
Great Gatsby Movie Comparison

Decent Essays

Tamara Burciaga
English 1302
Professor Lambert
19 March 2017
The Great Gatsby: Realistic Vs. Exaggerated Over the past years, there have been many Great Gatsby films that were made to interpret the book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. There are many movies however only the 1974 and the 2013 film will be evaluated. The 1974 film was directed by Jack Clayton and the 2013 film was directed by Baz Luhrmann. Among the films and the book, the similarities and differences that a seen between each other are based on the directors and the time they were creating the movie.
Although there is quite a time gap between the dates the two films came out, both were made to appeal the audience. The 2013 movie, was made more energetic and entertaining than …show more content…

Some of the things that are described in the book do not show up in the movie and some scenes shown in the movie do not occur in the book. The scene in which Tom tells Wilson that Gatsby is to blame for the death of his wife never occurred, but it was directed that way to make Tom look like the bad guy in the movie. Another difference between the book and the movie is the relationship between Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker, in the book they have a bit of chemistry, but in the film they do not show much attraction towards each other. At the end of the movie, right before Gatsby gets killed by Wilson the phone rings which makes Gatsby think that Daisy was calling to tell him she was leaving Tom but later the viewer finds out it was Nick who was calling, but Gatsby died thinking it was the love of his life Daisy. Some viewers that expect the movie to resemble the book will probably get upset because they will point out what is in the book and what is not, but they must realize that a movie will never be identical to the book. The director must find a way to represent the book and entertain the audience, but it is difficult to do both at the same …show more content…

One of the things that the newest movie uses to make it seem more exciting is the music, more modern music is used to entertain the audience and prevent them from getting bored easily. They incorporate hip hop, rap and energetic music but in the 1974 film they use more classical and jazz music that would be similar to what they used during that era. Other than the music that is used during the films, the costumes that the characters use in the 1974 film is duller and not as bright compared to the 2013 movie, in this version the actors are dressed on vibrant colors that would captivate the eyes of the audience. The costumes that are used in the newer version look a bit more modern than the actual wardrobe of people during the roaring twenties. Other things that can be compared are the opening scenes in each movie in the older version as movie begins it shows the house and personal items of Jay Gatsby while classical music plays in the background, later on it shows a scrapbook with articles and pictures of a woman which the audience later finds out is Daisy Buchanan, the camera moves on the vanity where is shows the monogram items of Jay Gatsby and more pictures of Daisy. Although that might seem a bit boring to some people it captivates the obsession that Gatsby has for Daisy even after so many years have passed since they have seen each

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