
Greed And Morality In Chaucer's The Pardoner

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Societies around the world have established their own versions of a hierarchy, a set amount of social classes distinguishing between the wealthy and the pariahs of a society, and it has ultimately defined how one lives. Chaucer, the author credited with for writing The Canterbury Tales has made clear through his writing that people live different lives and in a variety of ways some as being manipulative and greedy others as intellectual;s exploring the world. Being higher on the social roller coaster does not necessarily make someone better due to the money and fancy materialistic items it can change a person, but not for the better. Chaucer writes about a character named the Pardoner who lies and manipulates people into buying fake relics and does things like telling people that for the right price he is more than happy to pardon them. This then leads to him to choosing greed over the responsibility and duty he has as a Pardoner. The Pardoner demonstrates a clear understanding of the wrongful things he is doing such as, letting greed and entitlement overwhelmed him and lying to innocent people in order to scam more money, but continues with no conscience or worry of the consequences. Through the character of the Pardoner, the upper class believes that they are entitled to certain privileges because having power makes it acceptable to be maniacal and manipulative. To begin with, the Pardoner is portrayed as evil and greedy, someone that feels power and money trump

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