
Greed and Mass Media

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In today’s society, more people use mass media sources such as Facebook, Twitter, (Internet users—21%) and major news corporations like Fox, CBS, and NBC, etc. (Television viewers—55%) for their information on politics and government (Saad). People have this information twenty-four hours a day, right at their fingertips. While these are quick and seemingly easy sources, they are not always the best choices because media companies are not always giving out information with the public’s best interest at heart. There are a large number of companies that focus on how much money they will bring in. The media, therefore, has an essential duty to always be truthful but also a duty not to betray the trust put into it by society. The media’s need …show more content…

People of all ages are exposed all day long, every day to “political values through the entertainment function of the media” (Berry, Goldman, Janda, and Schildkraut, 164). Whether or not the public views the media as biased, truthful, or in the middle, the media holds a bit more of a responsibly and obligation to society as a whole. Suppose one goes to a store, buys something, and takes it home, only find out it is a terrible product. It can always be taken back and they can buy a similar product somewhere else. With the media, it is not always that easy. The media is constantly dealing with educating the public on certain topics and, if given false or misleading information, the public will not always know to go to another source. It is the job of the media to play the role of “common-carrier,” meaning that they are the ones that are the direct line of communication from the government to the public and alternately the thoughts and feelings of the public towards the government (Berry, Goldman, Janda, and Schildkraut, 162). It would be nice to think that everyone can and will get their chance and fair share in owning companies and having some control over the media. This however is not likely. There are six main companies that are dominant forces in today’s mass media: Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. While

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