My name is AJ Franklin and today I'm informing you about the doctrine of Ethos. The ancient Greek ' doctrine of Ethos' encouraged a great change in the previous methods of music instruction. The doctrine is still relevant today. The doctrine is still explored the influence of sound on human behavior, character, and emotion. Some music evokes feelings of happiness, some sorrow, some rage, some mental concentration, some lethargy, and some other emotions. Greek Doctrine of Ethos is still relevant today for many reasons.
In my own words it means that doctrine of Ethos says that different types of music makes you feel a certain way and different people have different emotions. Music was studied by the Greeks on a level that would be considered
Do you ever how natural disasters such as tsunamis,earthquakes,hurricanes came to be?Take a peak of greek mythology stories and one will learn.In greek mythology some important lessons are to listen to your parents,never lie to others,and listen to your elders.
In ancient Greek society, the ethos, the characteristic spirit of community, played an important role in the overall success of Greek civilization. The “spirit” in both the context of the real people in societies rule and the gods overseeing and influencing actions directly impacted the aspirations, beliefs, and customs of the people. While many of the pillars of the ethos sought to further the positive attributes of society in Greek civilization such as love, reconciliation, and patriotism, the aspects of ethos concerning pride and revenge often corrupted humanity into making selfish decisions for their own self-serving needs, often at a detrimental cost to the overall well-being of the rest. In several Greek literary works its not either pride or revenge
The Athenians culture reached the highest level and created one of the finest legacies of the ancient times. Their music, art, beauty, plays, food, rituals, bereavement, recreational drugs, spiritual and religious practices among other facets was magnificently valued and performed. The culture formed a part of everyday life of the Athenians out of the fact that it was morally sophisticated, imaginative and distinctly democratic. Every citizen was invited to judge while every part and piece of the culture was evaluated and refined. Besides, irrespective of nature, every element of culture was meaningful and was specially coded to represent the wishes and the aspirations of the Athenian people.
[music] is sovereign because the man properly reared on rhythm and harmony would have the sharpest sense for what's been left out and what isn't a fine product of craft or what isn't a fine product of nature. And, due to his having the right kind of dislikes, he would praise the fine things; and, taking pleasure in them and receiving them into his soul, he would be reared on them and become a gentleman. He would blame and hate the ugly in the right way while he's still young, before he's able to grasp reasonable speech. And when reasonable speech comes, the man who's reared in this way would take most delight in it, recognizing it on account of its being akin (80; bk.3, ln.401-402, par. e-a).
Kings of the Hellenistic era built temples, staffed with priest, for old gods. This way they spread Greek religious beliefs throughout the Near East. This broadened peoples span of knowledge of religions, science and philosophy and shaped the world. When people got tired of it and found rituals unsatisfying, they turned to mystery religions.
Being exposed to electronic dance music, house, and Christian music was a gateway to become involved in the admiration of these genres. Through religion Christian music was expanded in one’s horizon, and started to enjoy different classes of genre within this category. The songs in Sunday School, worship hour, and concerts depicts the type of content that one should follow. Thus creating the preference of staying afar from music with cursing, perverseness, and un-meaningful content. In addition, parents instruct their inheritance as well into the preferences one should seek, and being influenced as a child is what in some cases the behavior they will lead throughout the life
Franz Liszt once said "Music embodies feeling without forcing it to contend and combine with thought, as it is forced in most arts and especially in the art of words. If music has one advantage over the other media through which a person can represent the impressions of the soul, it owes this to its supreme capacity to make each inner impulse audible without the assistance of reason. Reason, after all, is restricted in the diversity of its means and is capable only of confirming or describing our affections, not of communicating them directly in their full intensity. To accomplish this even approximately, reason must search for images and comparisons. Music, on the other hand, presents at once the intensity and the expression of feeling. It is the embodied and intelligible essence of feeling, capable of being apprehended by our senses. It permeates them like a dart, like a ray, like a mist, like a spirit, and fills our soul." Music has been passed down from generation to generation to show an audience beauty and associate with their emotions. My violin teacher Brunilda Myftaraj once stated that I could play violin all day without ending and I would feel empty, she advised that unless I connect with my audience than the music I’m playing has no exquisiteness and means nothing to no-one. My teacher said a respectable performance is one in which the audience is drawn into the beauty of the playing and adores the music so much that they effortlessly remember the music
The ancient Greeks with their brilliant and imaginative spirit created a complete order of things that functioned harmoniously in the infinite world that contained them. Although its exact origins are lost in time, Greek religion is thought to date from about the 2d millenium B.C., when the culture of Aryan invaders fused with those of the Aegean and Minoan peoples who had inhabited the region of Greece from Neolithic times [1]. The beginning and the genesis of this world occupied the ancient Greeks in much the same way it did the early people of every civilization. Greek religion was at the beginning a blend of Minoan, Egyptian, Asian, and other elements, but it subsequently evolved along with Greek thought.
Humanism meant a lot to Ancient Greek. Humanism displays events that occur in a natural manner in the within the world, it places valued the morality of human life and socialization. Humanism is important because it is the beginning to important for humans to know who they were, the difference between right and wrong, where we came from, and most importantly providing definition to the meaning of life
What is philosophy? Today when the word “philosophy” is spoken, it provokes thought in most people. Philosophy is often associated with the wisest ones from the past such as Aristotle and Plato. In fact, the word itself originates from the Greek word “philosophia,” directly translating into the “love of wisdom.” Ancient Greek philosophy covered an extensive amount of subjects such as science, the analysis of common political and social life, along with religious affairs (Adkins and Adkins, “Philosophy, Ancient Greek”) . Ultimately, Ancient Greek philosophy is a complex system of thought shaped by pre-socratic thought, sophist thought, hellenistic thought, and the thought of highly esteemed figures.
In reading Boethius’s comments on the nature of music through the lenses of Ancient Greek thought, it becomes apparent that music meant more to the Ancient World than it does for our modern society. Consequently, Boethius explores the different modes and music styles that existed in his lifetime and discussed the importance of music as one of the main fundamental principles in attaining a holistic understanding of the universe. Thus, drawing a parallel between Christian and Greek approaches to music is not unconceivable or far-fetched. In fact, Boethius suggests a direct connection between the type of music that a person listens to and their overall behavior, asserting that some music styles stimulate aggressive impulses, while others lift
Regardless of the topic, Christians will have differing views on secular things; from secular music to secular books to secular activities. As a Christian, I have studied other religions and have no issues or concerns about studying Greek philosophies. One of the reasons I have no issue with studying secular things is I am strong in my faith. I know that God is the Father of life and holds the world in His hands. Studying other (pseudo) religions or, for the sake of this discussion Greek philosophies, does not cause me to question my faith. Period. People who are weak in their faith, or not a believer, must be cautious of studying secular things. In 2006, the Dan Brown’s Di Vinci code hit theaters. Some people, obviously not strong in
Music is one of the most important parts of human society. It is used as an emotional outlet and allows people to express themselves. “Music is a reflection of self.” Music is the relationship between tones that normally on their own would not be too exciting, but once put together they convey emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Music is meant to transport an individual to another world, the composer's world. A composer will construct a story influenced by their own lives and their society. An important part of the music is also the history behind it and how it has impacted people. “Music is defined as a practical activity, and is an art form that has always invited theoretical speculation and critical reflection.” Music is everywhere and is in everyone's life but, not everyone knows its early history and how it evolved into today's genres. Researching, studying and examining early music and its evolution reveals how music has transformed from simple monophonic lines with no real timing into large orchestral pieces. Early forms of music included one or two parts, while orchestral pieces included multiple types of instruments, each independently playing different parts. Musicology is the is the process study, inquiry and reflection of music, while it forms its own context and employs distinct concepts, it's clearly dependant upon and reflective of music as its subject.” Musicological research has not been able to pinpoint what the music of primitive people or non-western
There are two main positions on how music effects emotions on us. The first one is the cognitivist approach which describes the emotional response to music as a result from the listener’s cognitive recognition of cues within the composition itself. The other is the emotivists view which supports the idea of emotions being induced by music, where the emotional response to music comes as a feeling.
Music should be the starting point of education, mainly because of the formative power music possesses. In the modern world, the word “expressive” describes the qualities of music, simply a way of displaying feelings and emotions. Socrates describes music as formative, a means that actually changes and shapes people.