
Gregory Lee Johnson

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People watched in shock; Protesters and none protesters circled around as Gregory Lee Johnson lit the American Flag on fire. Why would a man disrespect a symbol such as the American flag, that represents freedom, liberty and democracy? Was he protected by the constitution's first amendment? The Supreme Court answered all these questions we had by voting in favor of Johnson. Johnson's intentions were only political, and he as the freedom of speech. The Supreme Court was correct on this decision on letting Johnson go, since he was protected by his amendments, and no matter what the action was, if the amendment gives us the right, we should be entitled to our freedoms. In August of 1984, supporters came to Dallas Texas to come to the Republican National Convention, where President Ronald Reagan was being elected to run for president for a second round. Outside of these supporters for the presidential leaders were protesters. These protesters were angry with the new Reagan Policies. Protesters marched the streets chanting "Red, white, and blue, we spit on you!" Kicking over flower pots, spray painting walls, and they acted out nuclear attacks. When the protesters came to the front of city hall, 100 people circled around to watch a man by the name of Gregory Lee Johnson pour kerosene over an American Flag and begin to burn it. Many people stood in awe as Johnson stood next to our desecrating flag. 45 minutes after Johnson was arrested by Texas police. The aftermath of the flag

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