
Growing Up In Newark New Jersey Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Lyyasia Wrenn
10 May, 2018
My Path Project Essay: Growing up in Newark, New Jersey
I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey a place that was really diverse. Living in New Jersey you were introduced to many different cultures and backgrounds, you could be walking down the street and many people would be having parties or cookouts that showcased where they were from. Growing up in Newark, New Jersey my childhood was great, I had a big imagination as a child, one that got me pretty far in life. I’m not going to sit here and say that my childhood wasn’t great, I had a loving and supportive family even growing up in a household with my mother and sister. My mother was a single parent who was always supportive and made sure she did what …show more content…

This is the reason why my mother decided to move to Virginia so we could have a better life and get away from the vicious crimes. I feel as though this was a smart decision for us. If I was still living in Newark, New Jersey my whole life would be totally differently. The decision to move away has impacted me because being where I’m from portrays who I am today. I’m really shy, I don’t really talk to people that much because I’m always to myself. I always got my head in my books making sure that my grades were where they needed to be, I want to make make a bright future for myself and for my family. Being where I’m from children don’t live to see a new day, this is why I push myself even harder to graduate and finish college and get my career started, because I have this chance to make my life better than it was when I was a child. I’m happy that I didn’t let where I’m from change who I am as a person today. If I was still living in New Jersey I would probably be one of those kids that didn’t make the right decisions and hung around the wrong crowd. Moving to Virginia changed me as an individual, with a respect for other people and always making the right decisions. Always making it my duty to make my mother proud. This all couldn’t have been done if it wasn’t up to my family, because most of my family members

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