
Guilt Of Living In The Book Thief By Markus Zusak

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Michaela Perry-Bagsby Ms. JMH English C B2 3 March 2017 The Guilt of Living Many people in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak have dealt with the guilt of living. The guilt of living is when someone feels like it is their fault someone died, when someone feels they let someone else down and the person they let down died or if someone feels they lived because another person died for them. Hans Hubermann, Michael Holtzapfel and Ilsa Hermann all dealt with the guilt of living. Hans Hubermann dealt with the guilt of living the most. He survived a truck crash instead of his colleague from the LSE. The LSE stands for Luftwaffe Sondereinheit which is German for Air Raid Special Unit. Hans Hubermann had just been drafted in to the LSE which puts out …show more content…

When the sirens blared, the signal to tell people the bombs were coming, Michael and Liesel begged Frau Holtzapfel, Michael’s mother, to come with them to the shelter but when she would not come with them they left her because they had a fear of dying. Michael believed he should have stayed. “Mama, I’m sorry, I should have stayed with you”(Zusak,487). This quote explains how Michael felt horrible about leaving his mother behind. In the end Michael could not deal with it and hung himself. “The laundry was warm, the rafters were firm, and Michael Holtzapfel jumped from the chair as if it were a cliff”(Zusak,502). Michael hung himself because he felt remorseful about leaving his mother. He wrote a final note to his mother starting with “Dear Mama, can you ever forgive me? I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I’m meeting Robert”(Zusak,502). Michael didn’t just hang himself because he felt guilty about leaving his mother behind but he also was dealing with survivor's guilt. Both Michael and his brother, Robert, were in the army during World WarⅠ. Robert legs got blown off and he died three days later in a hospital. “His legs were blown off at the shins and he died with his brother watching in a cold, stench-filled hospital”(Zusak,469). Michael had survived the war but his brother had perished. Michael went through survivals guilt for a long time before ending his life. Survivor's guilt is a mental condition some people …show more content…

The Book Thief shows many different people who deal with the guilt of living and this aspect of the book is important for others to read about because it shows how it is okay grieve someone's death but sometimes you need to move on and not be stuck in the past. This is also a very important aspect that is vital to the book because it shows more than just one problem the people in Nazi Germany faced other than the extermination of the Jews. The guilt of living is not a bad thing all the way through sometimes it helps people do things they would never imagine doing or risking their lives for others. Hans Hubermann taking in Max Vandenburg even though he was a Jew and this was illegal because he felt he owed Erik Vandenburg a favor for saving his life is an example of

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