
Gun Background Checks Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Pow!Pow! Those were gunshots from someone who has a gun that he or she bought with a bad record. Guns have been in America for many years. Guns have been used in sports, hunting, and war. There have been many horrific incidents with guns over the years such as Sandy hook. People need to go through a through a long and thorough background check to be able to buy a gun because the crime rate would be lowered, less mass-shootings, and their would be less gun deaths.

My first reason why gun background checks should be longer and more thorough because the crime rate would be lowered. The crime rate would be lowered because people who have a bad record wouldn’t be able to buy a gun without a long process. says,” Gun control laws help temporarily delay criminals with guns.” This proves my supporting argument because it delays someone's plan to commit a crime. The police can have an easier time determining who might commit a crime by using a gun. That was one of the reasons why gun background checks should be longer and more thorough because crime rate would be lower and another reason would be that it would reduce and prevent mass-shootings. …show more content…

Their would be less or no more mass-murders because it would not let people who try to buy a lot of ammunition who have a bad thing on their record. says,” high-capacity magazines that were purchased were used 50% in the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012.” This means that people who bought high capacity magazines didn’t go through a thorough background check. That is why we need a thorough background check , so it can reduce mass shootings. Now to my next

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