
Gun Control : A Part Of American Lifestyle Since Independence

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Gun culture is considered a part of American lifestyle since independence. People use and carry guns in everyday life for many purposes i.e. hunting, self-defense, sport etc. (Carter)
On December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, a 20 years old boy Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 school children and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School, after shooting his mother at his home. At arrival of police, he shot and killed himself too ( This incident left whole of America in grievance and a debate reopened on gun control in US. Though this was not the only incident of its type but was one of the most fatal ones that struck America. The gun control issue became the most disputed issue in America. The pro-guns rights activists took shelter under the second amendment and argued that this is a constitutional right of every citizen to carry guns and concealed weapons and there are almost 211 million estimated firearms in the United States. Another shooting incident that took place in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia on April 16, 2007, where a 23 years old South Korean immigrant student ‘Seung-Hui Cho’ killed 32 students and injured 17 and 6 others were injured who jumped out of the windows to save themselves. Seung-Hui Cho purchased and used two different guns for the shooting. He had easily passed through all the checks and purchased both guns without any delays (NY Times). This incident raised very serious

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