
Gun Violence: A Case Study

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According to "Gun Violence Archive 2015 Toll of Gun Violence” there has been a total of 48,677 incidents involving a firearm in America this year (2015). The number of deaths this year from gun violence is 12,323, while the number of injuries (24,890) is almost double the number of deaths (Gun Violence Archive 2015). The number of children (ages 0-11 years old) killed or injured due to gun violence is 645, while the number of teenagers (ages 12-17 years old) killed or injured is 2,440 (Gun Violence Archive 2015). The number of mass shootings in 2015 is 310 (Gun Violence Archive 2015). The number of officer-involved incidents is 4,060, and home invasion incidents 2,093 (Gun Violence Archive 2015). The number of times a firearm was used in self-defense

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