
Gun Violence In America

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The children of today are being born into a harsh society, one that Americans have never seen before. Media bombards citizens with scenes of death and violence. From the toys children play with to the movies they watch to even seeing what their parents watch on the news, children grow up learning that violence is the social norm. With over 30,000 deaths by guns each year, Americans are now realizing change is needed causing huge debates within our political system (Siegel But could the solution be closer to home? In order to minimize gun violence in America, society must first recognize its flaws in approach to finding a solution, with fixing Americans societal problems first not only will violence be minimized but the health of American …show more content…

In a high school in Colorado two senior students Dylan Keloid and Eric Harris made an extensive plan to attack and kill students and teachers. Through their actions 12 people were killed and 24 were injured. In the end both students committed suicide. After this shooting much thought was but into why it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again. Idea such as movies and video games were brought into the forefront of discussion (Ross 2014). Bullying was also in question but many pushed it aside saying that the bully’s had graduated the year before (Ross 2014). These people who did not believe that bullying was a part of the cause did not take into consideration the mental effect bullying has nor the amount of bullying that goes unknown to others (Ross 2014). Students told authorities that the two boys had been harassed by many students and athletes throughout high school (Ross 2014). Authorities also found out that the school was notorious for turning a blind eye to bullying (Ross 2014). Though there were many other influences in the decision the boys made bullying was a major contributor to their mental health and view of the …show more content…

Loops holes such as the private sales loop hole allows for someone to sell a gun without having to do a background check. Even in states that have closed this loop hole, gifting of guns from one family member to another without a background check or license is still allowed (Wilson 2013). In most states as long as a person has not been institutionalized for a mental illness they can buy a gun (Wilson 2013). And though it is illegal for a felon to buy a gun as long as it is bought through a private dealer who is not required to do back ground checks the felon will most likely be given a gun (Wilson 2013). It is through these loop holes that deadly events are allowed to

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