
Gun Violence In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Despite our whereabouts everyone main concern is gun violence; there is always an argument concerning guns. Should be mandated or not? Is it life or death situation or plain old homicide? With that question being asked by Americans nationwide, should students be allowed to carry guns or campus? Or should we fear that they all will use it for all the wrong reasons intended?
This is a very sensitive issue to bring up with all the mass shootings that have occurred nation wide. Communities and schools are in a state of panic. Do we allow this to continue or do we combat this growing epidemic? In a small town located in New Town Connecticut a 20-year-old by the name of Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children between the ages of 6 and 7 years old, …show more content…

What is motivating individuals to turn their anger out on innocent lives. Is the reason being that they are mentally ill, post-traumatic stress, or even depression. There can be numerous causes to this those were just to name a few. I do know that there are followers, people that are easily influenced, that can be manipulated to carry out vicious hate crimes on to the innocent. According to the Harvard school of public health, “One killing or shooting increases the chances that others will occur within about two weeks, an "infection" that lasts about 13 days”. This can happen even more easily deriving from that guns are that much more attainable than other countries. Estimating 270 million to 310 million firearms spread out in the United States. American population is close to 319 million, that formulates to almost one firearm for every US citizen. How are kids bringing these weapons to school? Should we hold parents to a higher standard? A lot of times weapons are owned by parents of this kids that are bringing these weapons to the schools.
We need to examine countries that have a lower amount of gun violence such as Australia. Have we conversed with them to see what would be beneficial to holding Americans accountable? Take Austrilia for

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