
Guy Montag's Character From 'Fahrenheit 451'

Decent Essays

Guy Montag- Guy is rebellious and irrational. When Guy meets the observant teen, Clarisse. She opens up a whole new outlook for Guy. In this futuristic story, books are illegal and need to be burned. Guy decides to take a book from one of the houses he needed to burn. Hiding books in his house is a dangerous and rebellious thing to do for him, being a fireman. An irrational thing Montag did was set his boss, Beatty, on fire when he was about to be arrested. Monatg did not want to kill anyone. At the end of the book, Montag escapes the hound on foot and heads toward the city. Guy Montag coud be described as a hero or a rebel. A passage that would reinforce Montag’s description would be… “Monatg sat up. Lets get out of here. Come on, get up, …show more content…

In the novel, books are illegal to have in possession and a fireman must burn them. Books are said to make you question and when Guy starts to read books, he does begin to rebel and question society’s way of life. This conflict would be man vs. society because Guy doesn’t agree with society’s way of life. Even Guy’s own wife, Mildred, does associate with him that often because she is busy connecting with the soap operas on television. Another major conflict would be Guy against the police. Guy becomes a wanted criminal after refusing his house to be burnt, killing Beatty, and running from the police. This would be a man vs. man conflict because Guy is running from the police. A passage that reinforces the conflict is… “Books aren’t people. You read and I look around but there isn’t anybody...” “Now,” said Mildred “my ‘family’ is people. They tell me things; I laugh, they laugh! And the colors!”(69) In the passage Mildred and Montag are arguing about why you should read books. Mildred says she would watch her ‘family,’ which she is referring to her television …show more content…

In the story, Guy was always taught that books are meant to be burnt. Both his father and grandfather were firemen. After Guy’s relationship with Clarisse, he began to think for himself. He began to steal and read books instead of burning them. Books were illegal to have in possession. The society he lived was with small minded people with short memories, which affected him as well. Society manipulated his mind, but Guy broke though the manipulations and found his intellectual self. A passage that reinforces the theme is…. “Montag, lying there, eyes gritted shut, a fine wet cement of dust in his now shut mouth, gasping and crying, now thought again, I remember, I remember something else. What is it? Yes, yes part of Ecclesiastes. Part of Ecclesiastes and Revolution. Part of that book, part of it, quick now, quick before it gets away, before the shock wears off, before the wind dies…” (152) Montag puts the explosion aside because he remembers a part of a book. This shows that just a memory of a book excites him to not even think of the explosion. Since he is no longer part of the small-minded society, his memory begins to get

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