
Half A Life By Darin Strauss: A Short Story

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There he was, reading, as usual, in his sunlit room. Kael was sitting by the window, reading Half a Life by Darin Strauss. As he was being sucked into the story of Mr. Strauss, a knock on the door had startled him, letting him drop the book onto the floor. Aggravated, he went to the door to answer whoever it was that had disturbed his calm and quiet state. It was his sister, Ellai. Ellai was seven years old and Kael felt annoyed by her.
“What do you want Ella?” asked Kael.
“I want to bake cookies Kay. Let’s bake cookies Kay.” his sister replied.
“Go bake with mom. I’m doing homework” Kael said, for he knew that doing homework would sound more important than just reading to Ellai.
“But I want to bake cookies with you Kay.”
“I told you I’m …show more content…

As Ellai took her mother’s hand and led her to the kitchen, Kael went back to his room and picked up the book while thinking to himself how much of a bother his little sister was. Why is she so irritating? Why can’t she just leave me alone? Around an hour and a half later, Ellai went back to Kael’s room and called him down for some freshly baked cookies. Hungry and thankful his mother did not call him down to help them, Kael followed her sister through the kitchen. With the sweet smell of cinnamon and chocolate in the air, Kael heard his own stomach grumble. He was hungrier than he thought. Ellai also heard the grumble of her brother’s stomach which made her boast to him. “Good thing I wanted to bake cookies, huh, Kay? Your tummy was yelling for food.” Ellai then started to make a face with wrinkled cheeks and forehead. Theresa saw and laughed which encouraged Ellai to add disgruntled moans like a poor old man. Seeing her face, Kael rolled his eyes, thinking how annoying Ellai was being. ~~~ On the night of that same day, Kael had just almost finished Half a Life and was planning on sleeping when he heard a knock on his door. He checked the clock by his bed and saw that it was midnight. Who, he thought, would be coming to his room at this late hour? Kael went to open the door. As he opened it he heard sniffles and saw that the person outside his door was his little sister,

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