
Hamlet Act 1: Notes And Plot. Plot: Act 1, Scene 1 (At

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Hamlet Act 1: Notes and Plot

Plot: Act 1, Scene 1 (at the night watch)
Barnardo comes to replace Francisco on duty
Horatio and Marcellus come to join the watch
Marcellus tells Barnardo that he brought Horatio so that he could see the ghost for himself and finally believe it exists
Horatio is does not think it will appear
Barnardo begins to tell Horatio of the ghost and when it comes (when a star reaches a certain point in the sky)
The ghost appears
They discuss its similar appearance to the late king
Marcellus tells Horatio to speak to it
Horatio orders it to speak and the ghost leaves
Horatio is pale and trembling from the stock of actually seeing it
Marcellus tells Horatio how this has happened twice before at this same hour
Horatio …show more content…

l over the army, to stop his nephew
Gives it to Cornelius and Voltemand to deliver to him
Claudius asks Laertes what is it that he want and tells him that he could have anything he wants because of his fathers power
Laertes asks for permission to return back to France now that the coronation is over
Polonius, his father, consents to the plan, and Claudius lets him go
Claudius then turns to Hamlet asking him why he is so depressed
Hamlet denies this, saying he is “too much in the sun” where the word sun can be interpreted in the context of sun and sun
Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother, asks him to stop dressing and behaving the way he has, telling him death is just a natural occurrence
Hamlet tells her that this is the way he is and his grieving is normal
Claudius then interjects to tell him that is he continues to behave this way it suggests that he is simpleminded and unmanly
He also tells him that he is trying to fight against nature by not being accepting
Tells him he does not want him to go back to Wittenberg but stay with him and Gertrude
Hamlet consents
Everyone except Hamlet leaves to celebrate
Hamlet has his 1st of 7 soliloquies
Says how he wishes God had said suicide is okay because he wants to kill himself
Says that his father was superior to his uncle as a god is to a goat
He is angry angry at his mother—she seems stupid and immoral not to have mourned longer
Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo enter
Hamlet refers to Horatio as a friend and asks him what he is doing so

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