
Hamlet Ambiguity Quotes

Decent Essays

Ambiguity Any word or phrase that create divergent meanings, or can be read in different ways.
Example “The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body. The king is a thing-” “A thing, my lord!” “Of nothing: bring me to him.” (Act IV, Scene II)
Function This quote uses ambiguity to create different meanings, making Hamlet’s sentence very deep and complicated. Since this quote can be understood in unlimited ways, here are some divergent explanations of its meaning and function in the play. When this quote is set for the question “where is Polonius”, “the body” here means Polonius’s dead body, and “the king” means Claudius. This is Guildenstern’s understanding, also is the reason why Guildenstern is shocked for Hamlet’s lack of respect when he calls the …show more content…

Thus, the quote is saying that King Hamlet’s body and soul are no longer connected; thus, “the king is a thing of nothing”. In this explanation, the quote is emphasizing Hamlet’s mourning for his father.
Another analysis of this quote focuses on Claudius. This analysis suggests that “the body” is Claudius’s body, while “the king” is Claudius’s spirit, good, and morals. So this analysis is actually indicating that Claudius has his body, but he has already lost his soul, his good, and his morals, has become “a thing of nothing”, for killing King Hamlet. If so, the quote has the function of enhancing the fact that Claudius is guilty, expressing Hamlet’s anger and hate, and foreshadowing Hamlet’s the just revenge. These are just three examples of the readers’ perspectives. There are as many meanings as possible as readers dig through the text. And “the digging” of readers is the purpose of ambiguity here-to point out the ways for readers to understand the theme of this

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