
Hamlet And Ophelia

Decent Essays

Virginia Woolf’s essay entitled, A Room of One’s Own, describes the way that women are perceived and the way they are treated poorly. Women were not allowed to freely exercise their freedom and instead were treated as captives in their homes. Woolf talks about how men and women were completely different prior to her time. Virginia Woolf’s essay allows the reader to take into consideration the story of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and one particular character within the play, Ophelia. Ophelia is not known for her role as a woman in the story, but rather known as a helpless soul after she is no longer living in a male dominated time. In Woolf’s essay, there is a plethora of ways that female characters and their roles throughout history is an issue. Women are not seen as strong and independent women and because men are the breadwinners and the head of the …show more content…

Ophelia’s character shows the lack of female power that she possessed. Woolf’s essay states that women are inferior and in Hamlet, Ophelia has no other female figure that would influence her in any way. Since her mother is gone, she does not have a motherly figure in her life and therefore struggles with speaking her mind. Ophelia’s father, Polonius, is her only role model. Ophelia’s relationship with her father creates many issues and struggles throughout the play. Since there is an awkward tension between them, that is where the first problem is seen in this play. Virginia Woolf recognizes within her own essay that there is a major difference between having a parent as a role model versus a literary influence. Her essay also shows how men carry the weight in the relationship. Since Polonius is Ophelia’s only parent, he believes that he needs to act as her security blanket because she cannot do it on her own. Ophelia loses her role as a independent woman because she is completely ruled by men in the

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