
Hamlet And Ophelia's Madness

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There are two different types of madness display in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet . Hamlet's madness was the result of Claudius killing his father and then Hamlet pretended to be mad to fool Claudius. Ophelia's madness was due to Hamlet killing her father, which caused her to be driven into a depressed state later leading to her death. Although Hamlet and Ophelia's madnesses are both extremely similar by the way came about. It is how the two characters deal with their madness that leads to the differences between them. The similarity between Hamlet and Ophelia would be that at the beginning of the play Hamlet King Hamlet's Ghost spoke with Hamlet telling him that Claudius was behind his fathers death and that Hamlet needed to avenge his …show more content…

When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw." (Act 2, scene 2, line 402-403). The reason that Polonius, who was hiding to spy on Hamlet, died was because Hamlet's madness got the better of him. Hamlet didn't take the time to see who was behind the curtain and just acted because he let the madness for avenging his father's death cloud his judgment. Ophelia hearing that Hamlet killed her father sent her into madness. The similarity would be that just like how Hamlet, let avenging his father death cloud his judgment Ophelia let her father's death cloud her judgment by driving herself into a depressed state "A document in madness: thoughts and remembrance fitted." (Act 5. scene 5, line 202-203). The difference between Hamlet and Ophelia would be that in act 4 when Ophelia heard about her father's death Ophelia went into a depressed state while Hamlet let the revenge for his father's death drive him. The depressed state that Ophelia was in ended up leading to her death. As a result Ophelia was outside she climbed a tree and fell into the water. Grief stricken Ophelia had no idea that she was going to drowned if she didn't get out of the water. " There is a willow grows aslant a brook That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy

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