
Hamlet Challenges

Decent Essays

The Challenges that Hamlet has faced

(The Three Challenges that Hamlet has had to face alone)

Have you ever faced challenges in your life? Have you ever wondered what it was like to fight through those challenges? Do you ever wonder what life could do to you? In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the main character Hamlet is facing many obstacles in his life. He isn’t sure how to deal with all of the emotions that go along with it. A young man at Hamlet’s age should not have to face all of the things he did, and especially alone. There are three challenges that Hamlet faces, and they are his father’s death, his mother's new marriage, and the struggle to avenge his father’s death.

First of all, Hamlet’s father’s death had taken it’s toll on him , and he wasn’t sure how to deal with all the emotions. Hamlet had to try to keep all of this bottled up because in those days you don’t express emotions. The death of the king was hard for Hamlet, and as any young man it would be hard to lose a parent. No one can ever be completely happy after losing a loved one, and they soon go into this stage of grief that they can’t get out of. To be completely honest the …show more content…

He never knew if killing Claudius was the right thing to do, or not. He had found out that Claudius was behind the death of the King, but was not sure how he was going to handle what happens next. The struggle was real for Hamlet he wasn’t able to kill Claudius after the play because he was “praying”. The truth is Hamlet was scared, and it was probably because he was afraid that people would see him as a murderer just like his uncle. Then one the other hand he had to do this for his father, and show people that you don’t mess with his family. On page one hundred eighty seven it is said “ A villain kills my father: and because of that, I- his only son - send this selfsame villain to

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