
Hamlet Character Analysis

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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by William Shakespeare is categorized as a royal catastrophe. As a power-hungry barbarian, Claudius murdered his own brother to steal the throne, and his wife. At the beginning of the play, Old Hamlet visited Young Hamlet to request him to avenge his intentional death. Therefore, the Prince of Denmark spent the entirety of the play scavenging for the strength to terminate his uncle’s life, although time after time he managed to lose the motivation at the last minute. Throughout the whole play, Shakespeare portrayed Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, as an oblivious and pure wife who could not construct decisions on her own, which was a complete lie. Queen Gertrude automatically married her brother-in-law after her first husband’s death, creating more than just the obvious arguments. Characters who knew the truth about Old Hamlet’s death formed the conclusion that Claudius acted alone for the total of the plot, however this cannot be the case. Hamlet’s mother is directly linked to the concealment of Old Hamlet’s murder.
From cover to cover, Gertrude remains within the meticulously drawn boundary lines between Claudius and herself. No matter the circumstances, Queen Gertrude does not examine Claudius; therefore, exposing that she knew each piece of information just as well as the King did. During the tragedy, there are multiple opportunities for Hamlet’s mother to confront Claudius for the knowledge that has been spoon fed to her. Be that as

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