
Hamlet Seeking Revenge

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When one is in a predicament, is displaying anger and revenge the best outcome for that situation? Is revenge the best act or an evil act? When Hamlet first heard of his father’s death, his father’s death was one of the reasons for demonstrating his madness through the book. After his father’s death, his mother marries Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, which stirs controversy and eventually leads Hamlet to showcase his revenge anger throughout the story. The death of his father is one of his reasons for seeking for revenge. The second reason for Hamlet to seek revenge is the marriage of his uncle and his mother. The third reason for Hamlet’s rage is when he had rejected his love for Ophelia. In Shakespeare’s, Tragedy of Hamlet, the authors conveys …show more content…

At the time, he said,” wild and whirling words.” {Act I, Scene v} When the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears and claims to have been killed by Claudius, Hamlet becomes obsessed with revenge by thinking of reasons of why he should wait before killing Claudius. The ghost tells Hamlet that it was Claudius who killed Hamlet’s father. The ghost also tells Hamlet that he needs to seek revenge. Initially, Hamlet knew that regicide is a serious offense and Hamlet said,” This time is out of joint. O cursed spite/that ever I was born to set it right! {Act IV, pg. 187-188} After Hamlet kept on asking himself questions, he finally comes to terms with himself. “Right to be great/is not to stir without great argument/but greatly to find quarrel in a straw/when honor’s at the stake. How I stand then/that have a father killed, a mother stained….O, from this time forth? My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!” {Act IV} After he came to the self-realization that he needed to seek revenge, he kills Claudius at the very end of the play because the ghost told Hamlet that Claudius was the one who killed his father. It happened at the end of the play due to Hamlet’s exaggeration and procrastination during most of the play. So, Hamlet was in a swordfight with Laertes, who Claudius had sent to kill Hamlet. Laertes has poisoned the tip of his sword so that when it makes contact with Hamlet, it will instantly kill him. Claudius has …show more content…

Before his love for Ophelia, Hamlet was already upset about his father’s passing, and his mother’s remarriage to his uncle Claudius. When Ophelia came along, Hamlet started using harsh words against such as telling her to go to a “nunnery” in Act 3. His words made Ophelia feel terrible. Another reason why he rejected his love for Ophelia is since his mother’s remarriage is a betrayal of his father’s love, how can Hamlet marry Ophelia despite the events surrounding him that makes his angry. Hamlet does not feel loved from his mother anymore and anyone else. So, how will being in a relationship with Ophelia make everything fall into place? The easy way to avoid that is rejecting her love, which is what Hamlet did. After Ophelia dies, Hamlet says over her gravesite,” I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum.” In other words, he had taken his love for granted and he said” he loved her” past tense because she perished. He had once loved Ophelia and no longer

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