
Hamlet's Temptation

Decent Essays

We have all had trouble resisting our temptations. Whether it be eating a donut when on a diet or disobeying our parents to benefit ourselves; when we give into a temptation it costs us. In William Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, Hamlet gives into temptation which costs him as his regicidal plan goes awry when he murders Polonius because he lets his thoughts of vengeance get the best of him. At first Hamlet demonstrates patience and restraint in his soliloquies and actions but as the play moves along we watch as Hamlet’s inability to restrain himself ultimately seals his tragic fate. From the beginning of the play until the time Hamlet kills Polonius, Hamlet feigns madness when around people close to Claudius, but demonstrates the ability to think rationally during his soliloquies. While he does reveal his emotional side, Hamlet expresses patience with the development of his plan for killing Claudius. After he listens to the ghost, Hamlet does not let his emotions take over and impulsively murder Claudius, but rather decides to have the actors reenact his father’s murder to ensure that Claudius is guilty. This decision demonstrates Hamlet’s ability to set aside his emotions to make the logical decision, …show more content…

Hamlet could still be alive if he had not acted impulsively, attempting to satiate his hunger for revenge and justice because in the end Laertes is the one who kills him. Also, Claudius could not have taken action against Hamlet because he would not have a valid reason to, but since Hamlet kills Polonius it gives him an excuse to send Hamlet away. Through his soliloquies, we can learn that Hamlet was a character who demonstrated self-control most of the time, but the one time he gives in to his temptation it costs him his whole plan. His character teaches a lesson on the importance of being able control our actions, even when temptation is at its

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