
Hammurabi Code Dbq

Decent Essays

Hammurabi's Code Hammurabi made a code it was cruel but fair, Hammurabi ruled Babylonia around 4,000 years ago. In 42 years Hammurabi became ruler of nearly 1,000,000 people. Also, Hammurabi made a law code of 282 laws after he had already ruled for 38 years. Hammurabi believed in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. finally , out of all of the Mesopotamian kings he had the most complete code. So I personally think Hammurabi's Code is just and I hope this will convince you. Hammurabi's Code was made in Babilonya around 4,000 years ago. I am writing about the laws involving family. I think Hammurabi's Code was just because Hammurabi claimed he made his code to protect the weak and law 168 of the 282 states, ¨The judge shall inquire …show more content…

Law 23 states ¨If the robber is not caught, the man who has been robbed shall formally declare whatever he has lost before a god, and the city and the mayor in whose territory or district the robbery has been committed shall replace for him whatever he has lost.¨ I think that is just because people did not have very many belongings at that time so it was easy for there stuff to be restored also its just nice. There is some more evidence of justice, law 53 and 54 state ¨If a man has opened his trench for irrigation and the waters have flooded his neighbors field, the man must restore the crop he has caused to be lost. I think that is one of the most fair laws because it is an eye for an eye. There are a lot more laws about property in hammurabi's Code but that is all I am going to write about now. Examples of Hammurabi's Code being just can be last found in personal injury. Law 196 states ”if a man has knocked out the eye of a free man, his eye shall be knocked out.¨ This is justice because it is literally an eye for an eye. My next reason of Hammurabi's Code being just is ¨If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on the body of a free man and saves the man's life he shall receive 10 shekels of silver. Those are some of the reasons why I think Hammurabi's code is

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