
Hammurabi's Code Dbq Analysis

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Hammurabi’s Code: Was It Just? Based on these five articles; Hammurabi’s Code had a mixture of just and unjust laws. Documents A, C, and D are viewed to be just, while Documents B and E can be ruled unjust. Three of the documents provided show that Hammurabi’s Code was, in fact, just. The first is Document A, which shows that the god of justice, Shamash, gave the people these laws. If the god of justice gave them these laws then the laws must be just. Document C also shows that these laws are just by protecting the weak. For example, in Law 168: “If a man has determined to disinherit his son and has declared before the judge, “I cut off my son,” the judge shall inquire into the sons past, and, if the son has not committed a grave misdemeanor… the father shall not disinherit his son.” After making this law a man cannot disinherit his son without having a valid reason that is recognized before a judge. This helped to keep the son safe because in the year of 1754 BCE the son would inherit the land and money of the family …show more content…

The third piece of evidence that Hammurabi’s Code could be considered just is Document D, which states that people must take responsibilities for their actions. An example of this would be Law 53, 54: “If a man has opened his trench for irrigation and the waters have flooded his neighbors

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