
Hannibal Barac: Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire

Decent Essays

Mankind has seen many great civilizations rise and fall, many great leaders rise and fall, but one empire has truly changed and influenced mankind forever and it’s leaders continues to inspire many leaders. The Roman empire was succeeded by the Roman republic which both lasted 500 years, both the empire and republic gave us many great leaders such as, Julius Ceaser and Augustus are examples of these leaders. Every empire begins through bloodshed and every empire has enemies trying to bring them down; one of these empires were the Carthaginians who were trying to bring down the Roman republic. The Carthaginian army was led by general Hannibal Barac, who played a crucial part in the Punic war and leading the Carthaginian’s to victory against the Romans. Hannibal Barac’s military strategie’s were some of the most well thought of plans of the ancient world, some of his ideas are still used in contemporary military strategie’s. Despite being a great general for the Carthaginian army, Hannibal had a rising to this power for no one is born into greatness. …show more content…

Much like Alexander the Great, Hannibal Barac’s father was a great general of war who led a mighty army and when his father died, Hannibal took command of that army and ruled with a mighty iron fist. Hannibal was raised to be a warrior and to fight with hatred against Rome; when he was nine years old, his father, Hamilcar, took an expedition to Spain with his family. Hamilcar asked Hannibal to place his hand on the altair of a scarifical victim and to forever be an enemy of Rome, Hannibal never forgot and for the rest of his life, Hannibal was an enemy of Rome. Hannibal Barac became genereal of the Carthage army during one of the biggest wars in the Ancient world, the Punic War, which was a battle between Carthage and Rome, the enemy Hannibal swore to defeat by the grace of his

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