
Happiness Explored in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 Essay

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The philosopher Aristotle once wrote, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” This famous quote compels people to question the significance of their joy, and whether it truly represents purposeful lives they want to live. Ray Bradbury, a contemporary author, also tackles this question in his book, Fahrenheit 451, which deals heavily with society's view of happiness in the future. Through several main characters, Bradbury portrays the two branches of happiness: one as a lifeless path, heading nowhere, seeking no worry, while the other embraces pure human experience intertwined together to reveal truth and knowledge. Of all characters, Bradbury uses Mildred Montag to effectively …show more content…

How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?” (52). This quote illustrates that people like Mildred take refuge in entertainment to avoid worry and thought, by placing themselves in the feet of imaginary characters, whose shallow problems always play out to a happy ending. Because of this, she lives a pointless life, a life that is not even hers. However, Montag tries knock her out of her trance by saying that living true life comes with struggles, and the need to consider one own responsibility and choices, one that Mildred fails to create for herself. Instead, she uses entertainment as a chance to escape self-responsibility and hassle of solving her own issues. Surprisingly in Fahrenheit 451, Mildred reflects the attitude of society: almost everyone is a mirror image of her, following a lifeless and uncaring lifestyle, defined by childish entertainment, and thus achieving happiness through ignorance. Also, Bradbury provides Captain Beatty's perspective that happiness is based on human equality. During his speech to Montag, Beatty states, “We must all be alike …. everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy ” (58). In this context, Beatty explains that it is not equality that causes people to become happy, rather it is inequality that causes an imbalance. Throughout history, the repression of minorities have always repeated itself, a societal behavior that has been

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