
Hard to Swallow

Decent Essays

Hard to swallow The play" Hard to Swallow" telling the tragic story of young Catharine Dunbar. Catherine Dunbar, who suffers from anorexia, stopped eating when she was about 15 years old and died, after a long and hard period of pain and suffering, when she was about 23 years old. Who or what facts are responsible for Catherine's anorexia? Is it her fathers' attitude? The mothers' approach? The medical authorities? Herself? From my view it is the fault of many events, and not just one person to blame in. Her father, John Dunbar preferred to ignore the fact that his girl is sick. He wanted that things will be in the way he wants, and in the way he says. He might have been too strict with her. Also the fact that he moved to …show more content…

I blame the media in large cases of the anorexia. I blame the media for selling us the wrong perfect body. I blame the media for the popular view the slimness equal beauty. I blame the media for controlling our views and opinions. I don't know whether there is place to blame Catherine or not. A lot of facts could affect her, and after all, if she

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