
Harriet Beecher Civil War

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What were the causes of the Civil War? Have you ever had to make a difficult decision? Imagine yourself back in the Civil War trying to make the decision on who to side with. The North and the South had many different views on slavery and how slavery affected the people. Harriet Beecher wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book showed how horrific slavery was and how horrible the slaves were treated. Harriet believed that this book was very true but the North said that all the information coming from that book was false. The North and the South had many different views on the book. The Civil War was caused by the economic problems, the political differences, and the social conflict. The Civil War was caused by the economic problems. In …show more content…

Harriet Beecher wrote a book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book was based off her thoughts on slavery. She talked about how the South treated their slaves and how cruel they were. The South shut is down and said it was all false and that no one should believe the book. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was the 2nd best selling book after the bible. The book caused many fights and many arguments. On the other hand, George Fitzhugh wrote a book and how good slavery was. He said they were treated good and the owners were good to them. They said that basically slaves got great sleep and they could sleep at anytime of the day. In document 4 Abraham Lincoln said “the government can not endure half slave and half free.” Abraham said that the country would soon fall apart if they did not figure out how to become a nation. The nation will cease if the fights and arguments continue on throughout the North and the South. The civil war had no known cause but it may have been caused by the economic, political, and social differences. Although we do not know the the main cause of the Civil War. The Civil War time period was still a rough time for everyone. The battle was a life changing battle. The Civil War ended slavery once and for all. Slavery still is happening to this day. It may not be as serious as it was back then, but it is still an ongoing issue to this

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