What were the causes of the Civil War? Have you ever had to make a difficult decision? Imagine yourself back in the Civil War trying to make the decision on who to side with. The North and the South had many different views on slavery and how slavery affected the people. Harriet Beecher wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book showed how horrific slavery was and how horrible the slaves were treated. Harriet believed that this book was very true but the North said that all the information coming from that book was false. The North and the South had many different views on the book. The Civil War was caused by the economic problems, the political differences, and the social conflict. The Civil War was caused by the economic problems. In …show more content…
Harriet Beecher wrote a book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book was based off her thoughts on slavery. She talked about how the South treated their slaves and how cruel they were. The South shut is down and said it was all false and that no one should believe the book. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was the 2nd best selling book after the bible. The book caused many fights and many arguments. On the other hand, George Fitzhugh wrote a book and how good slavery was. He said they were treated good and the owners were good to them. They said that basically slaves got great sleep and they could sleep at anytime of the day. In document 4 Abraham Lincoln said “the government can not endure half slave and half free.” Abraham said that the country would soon fall apart if they did not figure out how to become a nation. The nation will cease if the fights and arguments continue on throughout the North and the South. The civil war had no known cause but it may have been caused by the economic, political, and social differences. Although we do not know the the main cause of the Civil War. The Civil War time period was still a rough time for everyone. The battle was a life changing battle. The Civil War ended slavery once and for all. Slavery still is happening to this day. It may not be as serious as it was back then, but it is still an ongoing issue to this
In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe published the startlingly truthful and heart-wrenching novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. She was angered by the new and stricter Fugitive Slave Law and created this novel, emphasizing the cruel separation of families in order to inflame the North. She owed the creation of it to God and said “her anti-slavery sentiments lay in the evangelical religious crusades of the Second Great Awakening.” Stowe’s novel sold millions of copies, transformed into plays and opened the eyes of American people, to the injustice of slavery. Arguably, this novel even helped the North win the Civil War: It was read by a profuse amount of youth in the 1850’s who would inspired to fight because what Uncle Tom’s Cabin portrayed. Additionally, it was an impetus for people up North to not enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. Five years later to when this novel was published Hinton Helper’s novel, The Impending Crisis of the South made its debut. Helper was a non-aristocratic white in the South and his novel utilized statistics in order to help prove that the non-slaveholding whites were the real victims of the Peculiar Institution. This novel was banned from the South, however countless copies were sold in the North. This novel, as did its former, reduced the South’s ability to live under the same roof as their anti-slavery brothers up North.
The casue of the Civil War was that the states were not unified as they were intedned to be. Because of regional and cultural differences between the North and South it caused them to separate. At first this separation was not apparent but as time grew it became clear how different the two really were. Although slavery was one of the main reasons for the separation I dont belive that it was the cause for the Civil War.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was so popular that it was translated into more than 60 languages(Harriet Beecher Stowe). Because of the book, it caused Northerners to accuse the Southerners of treating slaves badly. In turn, the Southerners accused Stowe of exaggerating how they treated their slaves and said that Stowe didn’t know that much about slaves and just made up some of the things in the book. Stowe responded to this by writing a book called Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This book lists all resources she used to help write her book Uncle Tom’s Cabin(Randolph 67). However, the book caused the Northerners to not cooperate with the Fugitive Slave Act, therefore picking up an argument with the South. The argument caused the Civil War(Hillstrom 431).
The Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1877, was mainly caused by the diverging society between the North and the South. The North and the South had different goals. There were many factors that led to the war and the chief ones were political and economic differences between the North and the South. The North’s aggression to control the South had led to the point where it was intolerable. The issue on slavery was one of the causes of the Civil War. Slavery and slave trades had become a big part of the South’s economy. The slaves were needed to work on plantations which helped the South prospered. During the 19th Century, the North worked hard on abolishing slavery, which they thought was a disgrace to the Union.
The Civil war was a result in high tension between the United States and the Confederate states. Although slavery wasn’t the only cause of the Civil War it is one of the biggest contributors. Originally African Americans were not allowed to fight in the Civil war, but that was eventually changed and they were finally allowed to fight along
The Civil War began in 1861 and that was during the time when many different events were occurring at this time. One event that was “somehow” the cause of the Civil War was slavery. Tension was growing stronger between people because some were against slavery and some were for slavery. The tension between those people started to segregate them from each other because they had complete opposite views on slavery. There are some events that can help explain how slavery was a cause of the Civil War.
The Civil War was caused by the economics of slavery and the political control of that system, specifically being states’ rights on the federal powers of the government, the territorial expansion of the united states that led to the division of the two sides, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln which was the final event that sent the nation to war.
Although some historians feel that the Civil War was a result of political blunders and that the issue of slavery did not cause the conflict, they ignore the two main causes. The expansion of slavery, and its entrance into the political scene.
The Civil wars causes were various, but mostly because the President expected the South to give up their slaves who grew their main sources of money. Basically, taking away their income and forcing them to find another source of money. Economy was a huge part of the civil war. Although the fact the South were using humans as servants was unhumane and needed to be stopped. That is why I agree with the Wade-Davis Bill removing the states and the people within them who were guilty of participating in the confederacy and supporting
The Civil War was a very serious war that occurred in the 1800’s. It was a sad and bloody battle that lasted four years. The war was caused for many reasons. It was a conflict between the North and South. The South wanted slaves and they thought the north wanted to end the souths way of life and free their slaves. Slavery was needed for the south. It was how the south made most of their money.
The Civil War was between the north and south states of the United States when the southern states decided it was better for them to secede from the union. Many people believe that slavery was the cause of this war. Slavery may be the main reason of this war, but there are other reasons and events that helped spark the war. The economic situation for the union was one factor contributing to this war because the south was making most of the money for the United States, another factor towards the Civil War is the fight for states and representation during the westward movement, and lastly the social and cultural differences between the north and south created tension for their different beliefs and ideas. Starting with the economical perspective
From the above, the most important cause of the Civil War is the economic conflict between the north and the south with the abolition of slavery. The union won the final victory in the Civil War. The victory of the union strengthened the unification of the country and also laid the status of the capitalism. The subsequent Reconstruction cleared the way to the development of economy.
Many causes led to the Civil War. This all happened around the mid 1800s. It was a conflict between the Northern and Southern states. Both sides had their own view on slavery, and their separate views caused contentions between the two. Both had different views on whether to expand or stop slavery growth to the West, or have slavery at all.
There are many causes of the U.S. Civil War. This is some causes of the U.S. Civil War. First, the economy, every side of the country has different economy. In the northern was based on manufacturing, so they didn't want slavery. In the south, the economy was based on agriculture, so they need the slavery. There were many southerners owned slaves and this upset many northerners because they were human property and work hard labor as well as faced violence and was illegal to teach them how to write or read. Then, the southern states secede and form the Confederate States of America. After that, a war became between the north and the south. More than 600,000 people died. The Union '' North '' won the war, and the United State of America was one
The Civil War was a dark time in American history where many people lost their lives. The sad part is, it could and should have been avoided. To start off, slavery is the main reason why the Civil War occurred. The North was mostly antislavery, and the South was proslavery. Before Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written in 1852, the North was fine with the South having slavery. After this sadly true book was published, it infuriated the Northerners and made them stand up against slavery. Instead of the South admitting this book was mostly true, they denied it! This sparked the start of the North and South beginning to split apart.