
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Treatment Of American Women

Decent Essays

Beside the depiction of the negative impact of slavery and the sympathy toward these enslaved, Uncle Tom’s Cabin in some degree should be considered as the feminized literature work made by and for women, and highly praise womanhood. Influentially, this work portrays women as the center, especially women's moral strength and holiness. In this case, some people may disagree, as Miss Ophelia starts holding stereotypes to the black, and St. Clare’s wife Marie is pettily mean to others. It is true, but in the play most females are truly kind and warm hearted to others, often as more morally conscientious, committed, and even courageous than men. Through the narrative of the idealized womanhood, Harriet Beecher Stowe offers readers the ethical benchmarking of human behaviors. For instance, Eva is presented as an absolutely perfect imagery of womanhood in the play. She treats Uncle Tom equally as a friend rather the slave of her family, and her innocence also touches Topsy to start learning everything good. …show more content…

Additionally, this text delineates black women in the positive spot as well. Black women tightly prove to be strong and brave, as seen especially in the character of Eliza. Eliza is a brave and young slave. Showing through the lens of slavery as her son will be sold to others, Eliza’s motherly love dominates her as well as her strength of spirit by making a spectacular escape. Especially, the scene of crossing the Ohio River on patches of ice is quiet effective evident of her predominant and brave spirit. For saving her child, she will try her best even although she has to face difficulties. To sum up, in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom's Cabin, women are no longer simply the belonging of men, these women prevent the cult of true womanhood and moral standard of human

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