
Harry Baker, The Poetry World Champion

Decent Essays

“In the end it all comes down to people. I like people. Because even when the situation is dire, it is only ever people who inspire.” Harry Baker, the poetry world champion writes what he refers to as the “Technically, the Best Poem In the World” where he talks about the beauty of people. And he’s right, it does all come down to people. From the families we were raised in, to the relationships we choose to keep or disregard as we develop our own lives, people are at the core of everything. Unfortunately, just because this life of our is comprised on human beings, that doesn’t always mean that things are in favor of said individuals. We are all aware of the fact that “life isn’t fair” and was never meant to be a walk in the park. Whether it was a physical detriment or just a mental issue, there is at least one aspect in every one of our lives that has made things difficult. In January 2012, the people of Haiti went through yet another struggle in their everyday lives. After striking down the entire country in one fell swoop, the 7.0 magnitude earthquake left the people of this country in a rock bottom. In Sometimes the earth is Cruel, Leonard Pitts explains what happens to these fundamental people of ours after the damage has become part of their lives. While studying Pitts, it becomes apparent that when it comes to things like natural disasters, there is a certain process that everyone goes through; the first being mourning. After the earthquake, Haiti’s death toll was

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