
Harry Potter Research Paper

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The colors red and green are the colors of Christmas, and they represent joy and happiness. However, in the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling, these colors mean something entirely different. The two colors completely contrast, and they represent good and evil. The Harry Potter Series is about a young magician, Harry Potter, who fights the most evil wizard in the world, Voldemort. These two characters are represented by red and green. Red being Harry, and green being Voldemort. Not only do these colors directly represent the characters, but everything associated with good and evil, like Gryffindor, Slytherin, and evil spells. The colors red and green may be looked over by some people in this series, but if you take a deeper look, they …show more content…

Early in book one, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, it is revealed that Gryffindor’s main color is red, and Slytherin is green. Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but the characters inside these houses fit their color schemes perfectly. First, there is Harry Potter himself. He was chosen the house of Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat. The Sorting Hat is a hat that puts all the first-years into the house he thinks is the right fit for them. Harry is brave, wise, and he knows his true self. He is perfectly capable of facing any challenge thrown at him no matter how big. Also, in every single book, Harry fights the most evil wizard of all, Voldemort. So, since Harry is a good character, he is represented by the color red. Slytherin on the other hand, got the slick, evil kid of Draco Malfoy. Malfoy is jealous of Harry’s fame, and he picks on him every chance he can get. However everytime he does so, he ends up looking like a fool. Malfoy is a mean bully, whose parents have a history with Voldemort. So he got placed in Slytherin, the house with the color green. With the colors of the two houses, it is easy to distinguish who’s good and who is

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