
Harry's Characters In The Naming Of Names By Ray Bradbury

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Ray Bradbury, the author of the story, “The Naming Of Names,” used character traits, sensory details, and internal conflict to display the theme of “Accepts your ideas,” using the protagonist of the story, Harry. Harry is a father with an ordinary family forced to colonize Mars, with the rest of Earth’s population once it is revealed that America is in a deadly nuclear war… Once on Mars, Harry realizes oddities and loses his trust for his new home especially, after realizing that his mentality began to change. So throughout the story, he attempts to convince his family of the issues they’re facing, and gradually realizes that the world, including himself, is doomed. In the beginning of the story, when Harry hesitantly confirms that there is an issue being faced, he decided to build a rocket so he could escape back to Earth. While working on it, there was a gradual diminishing interest he held for his escape, and he began to see himself turn into a martian, mentally, which is how the author uses character traits to describe how one should accept their ideas. When Harry realizes people are lacking resistance against turning into black and yellow creatures, he decides that his behavior is required to remain, or else he would harm himself, though once he sees himself becoming brainwashed, his character traits begin to change, and he loses his identity. In a sentence on page 161, Harry is finding himself change, “‘There is work to be done on the rocket.’. But as he worked that

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