
Hatred Definition Essay

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Every child has a loving mind, no racism, no hatred, or any unfair judgements sown in. However, over time, a child’s mind can be corrupted to include hatred and intolerance into their many thoughts. This hatred can come out anywhere. In words - or even worse - in action. When hatred comes out either verbally or physically - It. Is. Grotesque. As sad as it is to say, it happened on two completely different occasions in the past few months at Ridgedale Middle School. One day towards the end of the year, the 7th Graders lined up for gym, chatting and and chatting and chatting, as always. Just before they were let in a student who happened to be an illegal immigrant with a light brown complexion was talking to another student who was very big and happened to have fair skin. It was informed by a witness on the scene that the immigrant student was talking about how he disliked Trump, as the night before was another primary election night. Those nights always stirred up controversy among the students. The other student really did not enjoy what he had to say about Trump, as he was an avid Trump supporter. The immigrant inflamed his temper. In response, he barked back at him with a loud, deep voice. “Shut up man, I hope Donald Trump deports you and your illegal family and sends them back to Mexico!” That. Was. …show more content…

Another kid who crossed Canada illegally and did not have his Green Card yet approached his friend. The witness did not know how the topic of the election was brought up, but they were both talking about it. The immigrant’s friend was a fanatical Trump supporter and didn’t love what his friend had to say about his beloved Donald Trump. He stated that he didn’t like Donald Trump for reasons to him, more clear than ever. His friend responded in a matter-of-fact way, “Well you only dislike him because you think he would deport you. But you’re from Canada, he’s only going to deport Mexican illegals.” Emphasis on

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