
Hawkeye, Uncas, And Chingachgook

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Perception, would illustrate a perfect name for this chapter, these three men by the name of Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook, are having a conversations about their families and their own heritage. When they suddenly see a deer and decide to make the right decision to kill it. It could lead them to a meal or death. They were getting they’re rest for a war with the Iroquois the following day, so they needed to eat, when they suddenly the hear twigs crunch and fear it is their enemies, but it is Hawkeyes Calvary. This story portrays many lessons like Patience is a key feature that is excellent in having in many situations, and it all depends on how you see the situation. In my opinion, these 3 men made an excellent choice and not letting their hunger get to them. It was the patience that Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook portrayed when faced with the ultimate decision, which will either put them in danger or help them. At this point all three of them were starving and they could’ve just shot the deer with Hawkeyes rifle, but the sound of the gun going off would give up their locations and attract their enemies in which could get them killed. Instead they didn't get too eager and instead they used the silence of arrows, which hurt the dear and they needed to finish …show more content…

Me and my brother had two options, either stand still and wait for it to leave, or run as fast as you can, and hope it doesn’t run after you. Thankfully after being patient and thinking about the consequences, we stood for about 25 minutes and the bear just decided to leave. We learned that you have to think things through or you will regret it later and I feel that the characters portrayed the same thinking process and looked at the outcomes of what will happen if they do this or that, It depends on the way you look at the

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