
Health Care Reform: Then and Now

Decent Essays

One common theme that has resurfaced throughout the entire Obama administration and has created a great deal of focus and debate is health care reform. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which was introduced by Obama in 2010 creates a new structure of health care. It transforms health care from “late-stage, high intensity, illness focused, tertiary, interventional health service to a much stronger value driven focus on achieving the highest levels of health” (Porter-O’Grady, 2014, p. 65). Through this act, legislation has been created that regulates the way hospitals and physicians are reimbursed, which is built on evidenced-based, quality health care outcomes that are cost effective without infringing upon patient satisfaction. At the heart of this debate is the impact on nursing care, for nursing is the largest health care professional as well as the largest component of health care costs. Any change in the health care reimbursement will greatly affect the nursing practice (Buerhaus, 2010). In order to fully understand the impact of this health care reform, one must understand that health care reform is not a new concept. Health care reform has been transforming since the 1800s. In the 1800s there was little discussion about health insurance, reimbursement nor a demand for doctor or hospital services, for family members cared for each other in the home. However, with the industrialization of America in the early 1900s, the general public became

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