
Healthy Racial Identity Development Among Older White Youth

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Healthy racial identity development among older white youth is a bit more complex. Often, white students must come to understand that society attaches meaning to their whiteness and that they have a choice about how to be white in a multicultural society.

The American Civil Rights Movement was a movement of the people. Black and white, male and female, Jew and Christian, rich and poor -- ordinary people who came together across differences to advance this nation 's core value of equality and demand an end to the discrimination against African Americans.

Each year at the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama, we welcome thousands of visitors, many of them students on school-sponsored trips. Among our goals is ensuring today …show more content…

She went on to get her master 's degree there in 1935. Academically, she was in the top five percent of her graduating class. She was a public school teacher, a librarian in Montgomery 's Carnegie Library and later served as the director of research at the Montgomery Public Library.

Juliette Morgan was a woman of wealth, status, education and connections. She was an aristocrat of Montgomery society. On the surface, she appeared to be the definitive Southern belle.

One seemingly insignificant thing about Morgan 's life separated her from her privileged friends. She had severe anxiety attacks. These attacks prevented her from driving her own car so, to get to work, she rode the city buses in Montgomery. On those buses, she saw white bus drivers "use the tone and manners of mule drivers in their treatment of Negro passengers." She watched them threaten and humiliate black men and women who paid the same 10-cent fare she paid.

From Socialite to Social Activist
In 1939, 16 years before the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott, Morgan began writing letters to the Montgomery Advertiser, the city 's local newspaper, denouncing the horrible injustices she witnessed on the city buses. In these letters, she said segregation was un-Christian and wrong, and the citizens of Montgomery should do something about it. The response was immediate: Morgan lost her job at a local bookstore.

One morning as she rode the bus, Morgan watched a black woman pay her fare and then leave

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