
Hearing People Communication

Decent Essays

This article presented me with many observations on the way both Deaf and hearing people communicate that I had not considered before. My prior experiences as a non-signing hearing person communicating with Deaf people have been limited to communicating through an interpreter or slowing down my naturally fast rate of talking so that my lips could read. Admittedly, albeit naïvely, I had never considered that I could improve my communication with other hearing people through tips and tricks that Deaf people just use naturally when communicating with one another, however, this article changed that completely. One thing that kind of surprised me a little at first is that Deaf people routinely pass messages “much faster and more precisely than any hearing person.” It would seem like being able to communicate orally would make getting messages across much easier, however, just thinking back to …show more content…

Add on top this our tendency to speak over one another and there’s a wonder we ever get anything communicated. ASL requires deaf people to not only speak one at a time, but the people listening have to give the speaker their full attention so that they can understand what has been said, which is something that hearing people could definitely improve upon. I also agree with Dr. Kahne’s point that there is a huge difference between our cultures in asking for clarification. If a deaf person doesn’t understand what has been said they will ask to have it repeated, whereas there seems to be a stigma against that for many hearing people. Since we don’t have to have our eyes on the speaker to understand them, this allows for our eyes, and quite often also our minds, to wander. As a result we don’t end up understanding all or part of what was said and then for whatever reason, instead of asking them to repeat it, we just smile and nod and pretend like we were paying attention the entire

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