
Helmet: A Short Story

Decent Essays

“Oh you must be the one I spoke to on the phone,” He said. “Yup that was me,”I responded. “Brice right…ya mine named Bill and in a couple of minutes your life is gonna be in my hands.” “I cant wait.” So after out brief introduction I get my ankle cuffs on and I have my harness and my helmet. Is a helmet really gonna save me. If I hit the ground the helmet won't do much. I stand there taking it all in. I look down and get dizzy. This is happening. This is happening. This is happening. I look out to the distant mountain peak. I bend my knees, arms out. I jump. I lose connection with everything that is solid, secure, and familiar. I are falling. I look down. The wind is ripping through my hair. I feel free. All the anxiety, fear, nervousness, disappears in an instant. I let go. I am completely inverted. Head down, feet up. Im now free falling and everything slows down. I can see the birds flying and the squirrels rummaging around on the tree limbs. My dad once told me how when a person is scared, a brain area called the amygdala becomes more active, laying down an extra set of memories that go along with those normally taken care of by other parts of the brain. This must’ve been what he had meant. The free fall seemed like it lasted minutes and when Bill finally reeled me in he had a stopwatch my time in free fall was ten seconds. What …show more content…

Up just ahead I see the sign to the holy land "Welcome to California" the sign wrote. I was filled with joy but at the same time I was scared to turn around to see who was following me. Before I take the drive to Yosemite National Park I put ten dollars in the tank of my bike and on the tv was a wanted statement with a younger picture of me on it. I run out to my bike and start the engine but as I'm about to leave I go and take the license plate off my bike so no ones knows it me if somehow they have that

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