
Hercules: The Mythological Hero Of Hercules

Decent Essays

The mythological hero of Hercules, who possesses both instinctual human nature and the need to make amends, is an allegorical figure used to acknowledge what humankind values. A very dominant trait present in Hercules is his instinctive decision making.
Hercules is known to be a hot-tempered and emotionally-driven hero whose choices are made upon feeling, not thought. While he is staying with his friend Admetus, he discovers that this man’s wife, Alcestis, has just passed away. Hercules, heartbroken for Admetus, goes into the underworld and brings Alcestis up to earth. Hercules had no thought-out plan, in this moment he was driven solely by empathy. The ancient Greeks (with the exception on Athens, who preferred the hero Theseus), valued …show more content…

Hercules is well-known for the completion of his twelve seemingly impossible tasks, but the reason he had to complete these tasks in the first place is him wanting to own up to his fatal mistake of killing his wife Megara and their three children. He did not have to complete the twelve tasks, but felt it was the right thing to do to remove himself of guilt. That trait is something humankind still values today. Forgiveness is important, but so is ensuring that the mistake is not made again, and initiating change. Additionally, Hercules will go to incredible lengths to fix mistakes. He once hunted Artemis's sacred stag for an entire year. His instructions were to bring the creature back alive. Killing the stag and hoping for the best would have been an easy way out of a complicated situation, but instead Hercules challenged his strength. This demonstration of immense persistence to find justice is a trait reflected very positively on modern society. There are frequent stories about people finding success and happiness in hard work, which is precisely what Hercules found. The Greeks and modern society alike both value persistence, which is why Hercules’s story is still used as lessons

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