
High School Research Paper

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High School is About Learning, and Nothing Else Most of a high school is a blur at this point. I can barely remember anything from ninth grade and only bits and pieces from tenth grade. There are certain memories, however, that I can see clearly with perfect detail - even though they are pretty small moments in time. Sitting in Western Civilization when Mr. DeFusco asked me if I was “okay” with being in Advanced Placement United States History the following year. Jumping up and down in Mrs. Leister’s room surrounded by jittery sophomores because we were about to take the Advanced Placement United States History Exam that morning in May. Writing a snarky comment on a quiz on Iran’s government in Advanced Placement Comparative Government with Mr. Schwenk. There are other memories that are perfectly vivid, but these are the most significant. Why these memories in …show more content…

Then again, how significant to the school system are you, as a person, when you are angsty and don’t know anything about anything. These were years when I developed personally. I found some people I liked - most of whom I do not talk to anymore - and I realized it is perfectly fine to be the quiet girl. Freshman year was also the year I dyed my hair dark, cherry red and wore black eyeliner on my waterline, and if that doesn’t say anything about how much I have grown and changed, I don’t know what does. There is a defined line between ninth and tenth grade, though. Ninth grade I pushed myself too hard to appear smart - working tirelessly on any essays Mrs. Kalasunas wanted done, overachieving on simple projects about the Renaissance, trying my very hardest with geometry. Sophomore year, I relaxed - too much - but I relaxed. I was okay with an 85 percent on an essay, I was okay with not studying for US History, I was okay with relaxing. I regret my vacation of sophomore year, but it taught me that high school really is not that difficult if I do what I am told to

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