
Higher Education Case Study

Decent Essays

plan of the particular school they are giving service in; assigning work, correcting and marking work carried out by his/her students; assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress, attainment and behavior of one’s students. Randolph is a very talented teacher; however, she had very little time to be creative and work with her colleagues Randolph’s life experience reveals how individual values and actions shaped the past, and how the past shapes present-day values and actions. I proposed the question, do you have any plans for further education? Randolph response was, “I am enrolled at Kennesaw State University pursuing a master’s in Ethics and Leadership.” "I view learning as a lifelong process, I want to continue to learn as much as I can to be an effective educator. She chose to attain an Ethics and Leadership degree because of the obstacles she encountered as teacher. Randolph is both an educator and a learner: however, being an adult learner has its challenges. Before I decided to continue my education, I felt afraid, alone, and discouraged in taking the first step back into education. For children, those fears eventually pass, but for adult learners, they continue, even after the degree is earned. Randolph’s experience as an adult learner is that she lacks time. She states that “balancing a job, family and …show more content…

Merriam and Bierema reports, Knowles definition of the of SDL is “in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating those learning outcomes” (p. 63). Randolph is a self-directed learner, and takes initiative to continue her education. She has sense of responsibility for her own learning goals, and has set certain criteria for her learning. She is had the experience as an educator and

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