
Hills Like White Elephants Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

“Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway is a short story published in 1927. The story is between two main characters a American man and his girlfriend Jig. The two are having a conversation over beer at a train station rest-stop in Spain The couple experiences excessive drinking over their travels. As they continue drinking an argument sparks over the American man trying to convince Jig to have an abortion. He doesn’t pressure her and repetitively says “only if she wants to.” Jig knows that having this abortion will solve their problems and things would go back to the way they use to. Throughout the story she drinks to keep her mind of the situation and to avoid making her decision. The man says it is a “simple procedure” although he isn’t actually saying he wants her to have the abortion his word choices and actions speak other wise. The story continues to go back and forth on the topic of her contemplating the abortion. By the end of the story she is given a choice whether to have the abortion and leave with him or stay on her own to care for herself and her unborn child. Hemingway style of writing is very indirect. He tells the story in third-person and avoids getting straight to …show more content…

She sees trees, grain fields, and the Ebro River, then says, “And we could have all this.” When the man tells her that they can have whatever they want—“We can have the whole world”—Jig says, “It isn’t ours any more . . . And once they take it away, you never get it back.” (Cummings) Cummings explains this expert from the story showing the conflict. Jig believes that they can still be together with keeping the baby and there is more to offer while the American man says they still can have everything without the baby. Jig implies that once the abortion happens things will change and its something that you can’t get back. She refers to the baby as well as her emotional stability with giving up a child and loss of

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