
Hinduism Research Paper

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Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world, after Christianity and Islam. This paper goes over the complexity of Hinduism’s history, and Hinduism’s perspective and beliefs about various aspects of life and death, and how your lifestyle can affect your future. This also covers whether or not Hinduism is a monotheistic or polytheistic religion, and a few of the significant deities they worship, dealing with the creation, preservation, and destruction of the world.
Hinduism’s history is complex and the early history, especially is a subject of much debate for several reasons. Hinduism is not one single religion and also seemingly has no definite starting point as the traditions that flow into the religion trace back thousands of years(“Religion: Hinduism.”). This and some practitioners claim that the Hindu revelation is eternal(“Religion: Hinduism.”). Although there is an emphasis on personal spirituality, Hinduism's history has been closely linked with various political and social developments, such as the rise and fall of various empires and kingdoms(“Religion: Hinduism.”). The early history of Hinduism is difficult to organize and date so Hindus often …show more content…

One belief is of Dharma, that you have a role/purpose in life that must be fulfilled, it is our purpose in the universe. Another belief is in karma and Samsara, karma meaning that your actions will produce an effect on your future, and Samsara being a continuous cycle in which the soul is reborn over and over again according to the law of action and reaction. So at death many Hindus believe the soul is carried by a subtle body into a new physical body which can be a human or non-human form (an animal or divine being), and that next life/form is determined by your actions in your previous life(“Religion: Hinduism.”). This cycle of rebirth continues on until you reach the ultimate reality. This ultimate reality is referred to as

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