
Hippies Counterculture

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Hippies. What are hippies? Are they the flower children from the 1960s, or do hippies actually go back further in history? Hippies are the counterculture to society. Their counterculture was one of rebellion—a rebellion with a vision. While society viewed them as another subculture, the hippie counterculture viewed themselves differently. They believed they were “the Disloyal Opposition to Establishment culture” (Miller 87). The opposed culture did not originate in the 1960s; its roots are seen in the literary world as early as the 19th century in the works of Lord Bryon, Percy Shelley, and Mary Shelley. The prominent people of the Hippie Movement and these authors shared comparable views because of their rebellion against society.
The hippies were from the love generation which was made up of people who focused on peace, kindness, and harmony amongst all people. They offered …show more content…

The love during the movement was “indiscriminate and all-embracing, fluid and changeable, directed at friend and foe alike” (Miller 88). The definition of love can be perceived in a multitude of ways. For the hippies, it was a suitable disposition, a radiation of optimism for particular beliefs and actions. This era was freely giving in the love department without ethical conviction that seeped into physical actions. Predominantly, hippies lived by the motto love is nonviolence. “Violence, they argued, was the product of a corrupt society and was one of that society’s dead ends” (Miller 89). In their eyes, practicing love gives organization. Love was shown by their charitable activities. “They gave the public free food, ran free stores, and provided free places to sleep” (Miller 89). Although, they tried to create a peace filled world

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