
Hiroshima Bombing Research Paper

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U.S Drops First Atomic Bomb on Japanese City Washington, Aug 6th – At around 11o’clock this morning, President Truman, in the utmost solemnity, issued a statement to the world, that an atomic bomb, more powerful than 20,000 tons of TNT, had been dropped by an American plane on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The city was an important army base and held large amounts of military supplies. There was widespread speculation of a bomb, after President Truman declared “If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the like of which has never been seen on this earth” The announcement made clear to the people that the “age of atomic energy” was just around the corner. The atomic bomb, which was more than 2,000 …show more content…

The secretary of war is said to release a statement as soon as they are able to gather accurate information detailing the consequences of the bombing. Although details of the Hiroshima bombing are still unclear at this point, a statement from the Department of War tells the results of a test done in New Mexico, where great steel towers seemed to vaporize with the explosion and a 40,000ft colossal cloud of dust and debris climbed from the ground. A representative from the British Ministry of Aircraft Production believes that the bomb would be capable of completely obliterating the town, based on the results from previous tests, the Daily Press reported. Hiroshima is –was- a town of around 350,000. Some speculate that half the population may have perished in the blast, and many more injured. Karl T. Compton, a nuclear physicist, has released a statement saying “We are not, at the moment, sure of how much damage the bomb has caused. If the bomb had detonated while in the air, the force of the blast would have been concentrated downwards, rather than outwards. Saving building, as well as lives. If detonated on the ground, the outward blast would have been more damaging to the city, and its

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