
Historical Events In Rita Dove's Poetry

Decent Essays

Rita Dove’s literary works share a common theme: history. Dove utilizes her poems to review historical events through personal connections. When interviewed by Stan Rubin in 1985, Dove stated, “I found historical events fascinating for looking underneath -- not for what we always see or what’s always said about a historical event, but for the things that can’t be related in a dry historical sense” (Shea). Rita Dove’s desire to promote the analysis of history through a new perspective heavily influenced her literary works. Through the poem titled “Rosa”, Dove reflects on an event that occurred during the Civil Rights Movement by analyzing a singular icon of freedom (Shea).During this period of time, African-Americans developed campaigns of …show more content…

With this poem, Dove takes on a more universal approach regarding equality. The first few lines of the poem give the reader insight on Dove’s general view of the freedoms that accompany the everyday person. These lines state, “[d]on’t lower your eyes/ or stare straight ahead to where/ you think you ought to be going” (Dove, “Lady Freedom” 1-3). Dove believes that these freedoms are frequently overlooked and that often times the Statue of Freedom is considered just another tourist attraction to many individuals today. Rita Dove implies that the statute should stand as a representation of the freedoms of U.S. citizens. Dove then begins to analyze how an individual may utilize these freedoms in their everyday life. “Get a job, fly a kite/ go bury a bone” (Dove, “Lady Freedom” 6-7). This statement portrays the idea that one’s freedoms enable them to do what they desire with their life. Towards the end of the poem, Dove states, “[d]on't think you can ever forget her/ don't even try/ she's not going to budge” (Dove, “Lady Freedom”26-28). This statement calls on the reader to reevaluate their rights and examine the true meaning behind the Statue of

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