
Historical Events In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Historical Connections from Classic Novels such as To Kill a Mockingbird The events present in To Kill a Mockingbird are all parallel to history throughout time such as the Great Depression and the Women’s Rights Movement. One of the biggest themes in this all-time classic is the fact that in the 1930’s racism and discrimination played a big role in society and how people viewed others. The 1930’s was a difficult time and Harper Lee showed that through the events in her To Kill a Mockingbird she showed people were not fair to others due to skin color or gender. The characters overcome and run through obstacles and challenges I the time period and setting. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird corresponds very much to the time period of the …show more content…

It was written in and during a harsh racially segregated time. One main subject and theme is the injustice racial inequality in that time period. Racism brought tragedy to the real world and the world of Maycomb. Many of a time African Americans were charged or accused for a crime they did not do and was not a part of. Harper Lee was exposed during her childhood to the Scottsboro case of 1931 was incorporated into the book. The Scottsboro of 1931 was nine boys (African Americans) were accused of the rape of two white women in Scottsboro Alabama. After a long trial being lengthy and public five of the nine boys were sentenced to long prison terms. The ladies later came forward many years later admitting they had falsely accused the men and the semen was from the night before. Tom Robinson’s case in the book was shaped around and based off of the Scottsboro case. Tom was being and was falsely convicted but it was not bad enough …show more content…

Due to the setting and time period women did not have many rights and choices. Women were expected and supposed to be dainty and polite and take care of the family. Women and girls were not supposed to be like Scout loud rude adventurous and a swearer, women had certain expectations to meet. Scout is adventurous and punches boys she finds it very hard to mold herself into a proper southern lady. Scout avoids being a girl by not acting like one. She thinks it’s less about that she was born the gender of a girl but how she acts and holds herself which is like a boy. Scout is not happy as a girl and feels being a girl is a bad thing and as a girl she can’t do anything she is a tomboy. No dresses for Scout, she feels she can do anything g make a mess play outside and swear. Miss. Alexandra and Miss. Maudie become Scouts role model throughout the book of a perfect lady. Role models that are proper mature and have courage. Women have not been treated equally as men throughout history. The women’s right to vote and was not allowed until 1920 and yet they were still not allowed on juries. Women did not have jobs or careers there day was being a mother throwing parties and to cook and clean if they did not have a servant like Cal. Women had to and still have to follow way stricter rules than men. There are two kinds of women in this world ones like Miss. Maudie and Aunt Alexandra that are respectful

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