
The Wealth Of Nations By Adam Smith And Karl Marx

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Within society, human nature refers to the characteristics of individuals, such as the foundation that constructs people’s thought process, emotions that drive human actions because of the environment which people become accustomed to. This in turn develops the essence of individuals as societal expectations are created and enforced through the power of institutions. In Adam Smith's philosophical foundation The Wealth of Nations (1776), he exemplifies the power of free-market economics, in relation to how focusing on individual success is beneficial for all, while Karl Marx discusses about historical materialism, which explains the formation of society and characteristics of individuals is a process of historical development and becomes an adaptation to cultural dominance in The Marx-Engels Reader (1844). For example, people within society are expected to work for an hourly wage not only because we become dependent on it for survival, but because people have been culturally adapted to working, and the relations it brings. Notions of work have been linked with success in a way that allows people to follow this guide to become socially acceptable. If individuals did not work, they are labelled inferior, which justifies the imbalances that are in placed because of structural inequality. Instead of viewing not working as deconstructing the dominant narrative of economic exploitation, society labels it as negative and the people as failures of society. Both Adam Smith and Karl

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