
Agnosticism: The Great Santa Revelation Of Third Grade

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There wasn 't one particular moment that I lost my faith; no one died, I had no epiphany. It took years of suspicion, snowballing as I grew older, until finally my concept of religion collapsed into Agnosticism. The whole situation reminds me of the Great Santa Revelation of Third Grade, just on a much grander scale. I was born and raised Catholic... to a degree. We only really went to church as a family on Christmas and Easter, maybe a few other holidays throughout the year to curb the guilt. I was Baptized, had Communion, and I went to Sunday school (well, it was on Mondays actually). To think, this is what started all my suspicions in the first place. As the years went by, I started to really pay attention to what I was being taught in church and at catechism. Things weren 't adding up. The Bible seemed to me like a storybook; exciting and magical tales to illustrate life 's philosophies. I had always assumed that was the point, they were made up for children 's benefit. But apparently, these stories are supposed, literal Christian history. As a student also growing up in the public school system, learning of science and "secular" history, I was conflicted. The Bible says that a man built a ship large enough to contain 2 of every type of animal in the natural world. In fact, the exact dimensions of this ship are given: 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Today, it is estimated that there are at least 3-30 million different species of animals. So that 's at

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