
History of Chemisty: Nuclear Power Essay

Decent Essays

Nuclear power is a very broad field that is compromised by many aspects of science including physics and chemistry. It was discovered in the early 1900s. It is a power source widely used by the United States due to the shear amount of energy that can be created from just two atoms. Nuclear fission, the most widely used form of nuclear power, creates incredible amounts energy incredibly efficiently and due to this it is actually really popular. Nuclear power is hailed to be eco-friendly but it is argued that the radioactive wastes and the constant potential for something to go wrong is too great a risk to the environment and people.
1. A Not So Brief History
In 1789 German chemist Martin Klaproth discovered uranium, naming after Uranus. It …show more content…

They said that the neutron was captured by the nucleus which resulted in extreme vibrations that caused the nucleus to split into two parts. “They calculated the energy release from this fission as about 200 million electron volts” (“Outline History of Nuclear Energy”). Frisch confirmed this in 1939 through experiments thus confirming a paper Albert Einstein wrote that was on the equivalence of matter and energy. All of the discoveries in 1939 sparked the interest of many scientists and caused many laboratories to begin experimenting. It was theorized at the time that this fission could lead to a self-sustaining chain reaction that would produce incredible amount of energy. This theory was confirmed by experimentally by Joliot and other scientists in Paris and then by Leo Szilard and Fermi in New York. The final piece that had lead to the use of nuclear fission and the creation of the atomic bomb was introduced by Francis Perrin. Perrin stated that uranium needed a certain critical mass in order to sustain the reaction and later used a water-uranium solution to demonstrate a sustained reaction. Perrin’s group also introduced the idea of using a neutron absorbing substance to act as a buffer and control the reaction (“Outline History of Nuclear Energy”). Scientists Peierls and Frisch pushed the atomic bomb by writing a paper that gave the theorized amount of uranium it would take to make a bomb equivalent to several thousand tones of dynamite and even

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